Photo Credit: Matthew James Cannon
Friends of Easton, PA is a non-profit community association whose mission is to help make Easton safe, clean, and walkable - ultimately making it a brighter and more vibrant place for residents and visitors. FEPA is taking that mission to heart with our “Bright Lights, Vibrant Easton” campaign.
Bright Lights, Vibrant Easton will use the fundraising efforts of FEPA to work with the city’s Public Works Department to sponsor lighting solutions in darker areas of the city. Well-lit areas are not only safer but also more inviting, encouraging foot traffic throughout our neighborhoods and to local businesses.
Our neighbors will help us spread the light by nominating the places they want to illuminate and sponsoring each bulb. Our lights will be smartly situated, long-lasting, and energy-efficient, with the opportunity for plaques commemorating each radiant donation. Each block would receive a customized approach to design with considerations for existing lighting, architectural details, and resident input.
With the support of our residents, local businesses, and visitors, we will make Easton a brighter place for everyone.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.